Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Week 4 Reading

Trina and Trina was crazy! I almost feel like with this kind of subject matter its hard to go wrong, some of the best stories are about addiction, so a real life depiction is ridiculously dramatic. Her mood swings and the things she does keeps you reading no matter what is going on around you. But beyond the things she says and does, the writing is so descriptive and sad. The narrator as a character really brings you into the story, you feel why her parents ignore her when they drive by, and ignore her letters and her insistence that she's clean. It's an awesome story.
I like that The American Man at Age Ten was about me, and its a very objective and memory-inducing examination of American male childhood. I really like that she even writes how a child would sometimes, I feel like she writes like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes would. It was a lot chiller than Trina and Trina so it was a weird contrast, but still very charming and expository. Cool stuff I look forward to reading more.

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